Show your Plecos Here !!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
:ROFL: Guess I have some waiting ahead of me
All looking good but still too young to sex:(
I'd like to get some substrate that doesn't perfectly match their color.
If they aren't hiding they are still camoflaged against the gravel to the point of being nearly invisible.
Here's a group shot of a couple of my plecs. (whiteseam, royal, king tiger, and behind the rock you can see the fin of my gibby)

This is the only real decent pic I have on hand @ the moment. Will go through my pics later tonight to try and find more.
Thanks. The L66 is becoming my favourite as he's almost always in the center of the tank chilling on some of the mopani wood. Wish he would go on the glass so I could get a good gut/mouth shot though. All my plecs, from the common, to my 4 month old marbled ancistrus hang on the glass from time to time except this guy.

All but the common are in a 120gallon, the common is in a 75 and I'm thinking of taking some of the ancistrus and putting them into the 33 once I get that set up, just not sure how I want that one done up yet.

Heading back downstairs soon and I'll try to get some pics before lights out.
Great looking plecs! Just FYI the gibby is in fact not a gibby, but a glyptoperichthys joselimaianus.
Xcellent collection. What I wanna know is how did you train them to pose so perfectly for that pic??:confused: It's almost like they were put in strategic places with photoshop.