loach43;756637; said:Xcellent collection. What I wanna know is how did you train them to pose so perfectly for that pic??It's almost like they were put in strategic places with photoshop.
That was total luck, haven't been able to get a group shot like that since.
Wasn't really able to get shots of my guys last night except for the big guy. Thanks for the clarification Wyld, just looked up that name to get it's info, seems like he's almost full grown, and I gotta stop calling him Mr Gibby. Also with that description this one may be female as it does have a rather "full" looking body to me.

pic of him and my albino ancistrus

overhead shot

clown and whiptail sharing some shrimp

not a plec but still cool lookin farlowella

And thanks for the compliments on the other pic guys