• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
don't have to measure him if you are going to take him out, might freak him out and stress him.
I would just put a measurement tap or ruler next to the tank and wait until it swims close enough to give you an idea.
a 120g would be nice. I see a little chimple is staring to form on the lower jaw. does he rub against the glass a lot?
lol yeah thats what i meant will measure through glass to get rough idea. No never rubs the glass he bump the top the other day during water change only 2nd one since i had him now he still adjusting just flips when i do the changes
keep the lights off when you do water change, should be less stressful for him.
when he was in the LFS, they feed him *sick* fish and that's easy for them. The 2nd day he arrived, I start to feed him some market shrimp and small silver side whole fish and he already accept it. In fact I like his personality when I was at the LFS, he approach us for the food and that's a good sign..

cheers :)