Hey guys.
about a week ago, i added a baby senegal bichir to my 40g breeder, and this morning i woke up to him having some white spots on the top of his head. is this ick? I don’t know what caused this, but yesterday i did add some more buenos Aires tetras and a red tailed shark to my aquarium. could this be the problem? i inspected them all and they showed no signs of what my bichir has. i tested the water quality and everything is good. (nitrite 0 nitrate 20 ammonia 0 ph 7.2). can someone please help me with this?
(P.S, my water temp is at 80 F)
about a week ago, i added a baby senegal bichir to my 40g breeder, and this morning i woke up to him having some white spots on the top of his head. is this ick? I don’t know what caused this, but yesterday i did add some more buenos Aires tetras and a red tailed shark to my aquarium. could this be the problem? i inspected them all and they showed no signs of what my bichir has. i tested the water quality and everything is good. (nitrite 0 nitrate 20 ammonia 0 ph 7.2). can someone please help me with this?
(P.S, my water temp is at 80 F)