Sick Dat

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
hha nice keep him. how much was he ? by the way i got a lil oscar who hurt/sick too hes in a q-tank with some salt and heat lets try to pull our fish threw this man!
ok seriously

just keep the heat up
if you see the rd go near the dat.
move it
or get ready to use a divider.

keep me posted on it
Looks more like bruising than anything else, You say he was being picked on? Other fish can leave marks like that and fish sometimes injure themselves against tank decor while getting away from bullies. The bruising and scales damage tends to look worse on 2nd day. Careless netting/handling at the lfs can do it to. you are already doing the heat and salt routine which is good, if it is just bruising the thing to watch for is a fungus infection and the salt will lessen the chances of that. Barring fungus the patches should start clearing up in a couple of days but might leave a disarrayed scale pattern. I've had this happen to scats and large angels.
Quarantine is the best way to isolate the problem time and time again I say its very important that you do especially a fish from the LFS and it was beaten up? IF you dont have a 10 gallon tank to spare just buy a rubermaid bin around that size. Seriously you dont want to make a bad habit into a bad incident.