• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Sick fish isolated, worried about others. Several deaths over past few months.

Its so hard to get a picture of this spot. This phone has a mode that takes a bursts of photos so I was able to isolate and crop this. I'm watching this spot. Either is something growing or it's damaged scales (which given how they spar when in breeding mode could easily happen as they like to dart around and near the plastic plants).

I suppose I could just move him but I don't want him beating up on the other rainbows in QT right now and I'm still not sure if this is something I should be concerned with for sure.

The white mark near dorsal fin might be almost gone in this fish. PXL_20240705_223057701.MP.jpg

This female looks better in that the red mark on tail is gone and the marks on gills look better than when I transferred her 5 days ago. She's also not hiding in the corner like she was first two days.

That mark on body looks worse though. The one I described as a white mark or mark from rubbing against something. It's just under the blue highlighter. She looks a little paler on the body behind that gill cover that has the marks.PXL_20240705_223116064.MP~2.jpg
Good news in main tank. The damage on this guy looks like it gone or at least mostly healed up. I can maybe notice something if I keep looking but if so, it's barely noticable.PXL_20240708_004537195.jpgPXL_20240708_004533008.MP.jpg
I think things are getting better and then I see this. Was gonna do a water change anyway but obviously now I will. Only other thing I can think of is I didn't use stress coat at all two water changes ago when fish seemed better but used again on Sunday. Did double dose for injured fish. I doubt that could be it as there has to be something infecting others but I guess I'll try no stress coat this change and just use prime.
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I noticed one filter strip was off for some reason. It was my Whisper and power heads with two big sponge filters. It was definitely for at least a day bc when I cleaned the whisper media, it smelled like there had been no water circulation for about a day at least.

The other filters should have no problem compensating, I would think.

I'm not watching the tank full and trying to decide if I should isolate this fish with the other two fish in QT.

She might have darted against something but that mark on the green female in isolating turns out to be an issue.
I left her in there but watching that fish, I think I'm gonna take her out.

This is driving me nuts. I decided to look up fish vets bc at this point, Id be willing to spend some money just to figure this out.

I did a google search for fish vets. Apparently there are two places in the Chicago area that come up. One is an exotic pet hospital. I didn't like some of the reviews I read about the receptionist.

The second place this:

The page says fill this form out for a $50 telehealth consultation.

By scheduling an initial Telehealth appointment you understand and accept that veterinarians, like physicians, are unable to diagnose or prescribe medications without actually seeing the patient/s. If follow up veterinary intervention is needed and we are unable to accept new cases, we will do our best to refer you to another aquatic veterinarian.

An initial 30 to 45 minute Telehealth call costs $50 and includes one (1) follow up call, if needed. We prefer you to pre-pay for the consultation and will send you a PayPal invoice; however, if you or we are unable to schedule a call in 7 days, or if the call is cancelled, we you will receive a full refund.

The first the page describes their services as pasted below:

Our team of veterinarians will assist you in identifying problems and possible solutions through an initial Teleconference call, for a nominal consultation fee. Our approach is to assist owners by identifying and narrowing down issues and animal health or management problems, and offering solutions that the owner might be able to implement themselves, or determine if the issues or problem/s require veterinarian intervention. Information you provide on the Initial Aquatic Vet/Client Telehealth Consultation form will help us rule-in or rule out problems. If we don't have the answers, we will refer you to another aquatic veterinarian who may be able to assist. We usually reply to request for scheduling a Telehealth call in 24 hours.
I finally had enough. I like this Dority and this Australis but all three of these are going in the QT with the green rainbow and that rainbow white growth on dosal (that since went away) and had the sliced side.

Ideally they'd have their own QT but I'll make do like this. I dont want any fish with the one that got treated with Kanaplex already.

I hope none of the remaining fish show any symptoms. I was an idiot and stressed them bc I tried take the newly marked fish out with full water.

I had to drain out about 75% of the water to be able to catch them.

This one that I thought healed does have something still I think. Maybe algae grew on the white?

I can't really see anything on his female out of the water.


I didn't get a pic of the Dority like this. He has a white mark on side fin and has some sligh damage by his lip which might have gotten worse when I was chasing them around.
I got a response from the Barlett Fish Vet. He said he was out of the country for the next few months so could not help me but he sent me the info for that other fish vet that came up on my search. The one the exotic pet clinic. I'll have to read the reviews more and ask them how it would even work to work with them.
This fish had a split tail but it looks like it's healing. Good news there


Bottom was before in above pics.

I'm paranoid about every mark I think I notice so keeping an eye on this. PXL_20240715_215648783.MP~2.jpg

The other fish are still in QT in salt. If they don't improve.in the next week or get worse, I guess I'll contact that other fish vet. I probably should call and get some details at some point this werk on cost etc before I really need them.
Dang. I guess the one in the bottom QT tank died. Just noticed after I did water change on the main tank and went to look at the QT tanks.