The guy i mentioned is the one that has the 30k gal tank in Thailand that had the big gatf in. It was mentioned several timez by others as well. When u say weldon 40 do u mean weldon 4? That is the liquid stuff that one uses to bond 2 pieces of acrylic. The other is #16 which is a gel type glue used for minor adj and seal jobs.
I would suggest any tank that u may have some atf in to cover 3 sides even if some of the inhabitants aren't atf. Try it out and see what happens. If u go on fb u under the forum monster fish freaks u will see the guy i mentioned with his 30k gal tank.
I see. I have seen nzafi's threads, just didn't know the names of these SE Asian ATF keepers.
Yes Weldon #40, 2 part - polymerization initiator of benzoyl peroxide type and the resin / monomer + oligomers of methyl ester of methacrylic acid. I used 16 gal of this to glue the 45'x4' window and posts on 25,000 gal.
#4 and #16 are for light and small jobs.
I will cover the remaining 3rd side of the current 240 gal. Thank you.
Unfortunately I don't do FB. No time.
Cant wait for that
And the guy with the 30k gal tank has a bunch of large gatf. If it’s the one @nzafi shared
You can and will. Thank you, Moe. Yes, I am familiar with nzafi's postings. Great many thanks to him, especially since I don't do the FB thing.