Smallest Pleco

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

stingray man

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 15, 2007
Does any one no the smallest pleco species if u have a pic on hand it would well aprecieated
rob0521;1211715; said:
your monster rating just went down with that question... lmao
Ya i no but my little nephew is starting a small tank so i dont want to get him a big pleco
Ya i no but my little nephew is starting a small tank so i dont want to get him a big pleco

Get him a little bristlenose pleco.

Great little pleco, should be able to get them cheap practically anyplace. They are hardy, great in a small community tank and an ideal beginners fish.
You can get longfin and albino types if you want something different.

This is my little girl guarding her piece of mushroom from some marauding guppys :D



bristle nose sounds good.
A bushynose still might not work depending on tank size. Whaty is the tank size? Once we know that we can help you more.
BTW, I don't know for sure what the smallest species is but it is likely an otocinclus species.
i love my clown plecos. ive had them in tanks from 10g to 150g
Otto's are the smallest but the Bristlenose is the way to go especially for a new starter ,cheapish and the best tank cleaner out there IMO.
A bushynose still might not work depending on tank size. Whaty is the tank size?

True.. but this is MFK, so I'm assuming a 'small' tank is a sensibly sized 20 or so gallons? If it's not, swap it over for one that is so the kid actually has some room for a few fish ;)

Plenty big enough for a bristlenose. Otos are smaller and also a good choice, but they are a very social fish, so you want to get at least 4 of them. 4x1" Otos, or 1x4" BN :confused:

His MFK Uncle is doing his homework to make sure he doesn't end up with an 18" Gibby in said 2ft tank :eek:

