• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Smallest Species of Knifefish

graham said:
wow that knife fish is really ugly. get a clown or royal knife. they may get big but they are hella good looking.

dont look too ugly to me :grinno:
oops only kidding, neverheard of them getting that huge!
You could get a small black ghost knife.
By the time it starts to outgrow the 75g, you'll be old and have a few 300g tanks laying around the house. :D
Centipede Knifefish aka Mottled Knifefish.. Steatogenys elegans

They claim to be up to 12" on some sites, but I thought they maxed around 8"? They are a nice peaceful knife however.

Daniel~ Very awesome info on the Green Knifefish.. I just got a batch of babies in stock, and its saddening to know that. It would be awesome to see some pics of yours!