snakehead photo gallery -- post your snakehead pictures here

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
man you guys have such nice Snakeheads.
hope that one day i could have them too.

currently have maruloides, micro and 3 pleuros

Thank you guys.

Yup, Brucki. Indeed my Asiatica look diferent than yours,I also like yours too with visible stripes! I've seen in the internet with many variations, the black body, and with the red dots too.

The bleheri also quite special with many dots, normal one dont have these many dots, do you know why?

mostly pulchra i've seen here got many dots at the fins. Actually the burmanica I got sold as bleheri, cheap only RM20!

anyway malaysia still not fully have many species of snakeheads sell, i love to get channa sp assam, channa sp 5 stripe and channa fire and ice.