snakehead photo gallery -- post your snakehead pictures here

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
One of my two Channa lucius

They have lots of channas in my LFS. Maruloides, micropeltes, more lucius and gachua's. But I don't have the space
yes a lot of dealers had them as bankanensis here. and they do look very similar, but im old in the game and saw it right away of course... (lol j/k)

here's a pic of a lucius:
so far my two new snake heads at one three dot gourami :(. im lookin for a temp tank to transfer the lil fishes. i still have two parrots , two walking cats two sucker mouths , one snail , one senegalus, one oscar and one gourami. tanks 24x12x12 . yh yh i know its small. dw the biggest is the eight inch snake head n 9 inche one. the rest are smaller than 4 inches. im gonna sell everythin else n keep only the SH. btw neone can ID them pls?? n how shud i feed em? fish chunks? jus drop em in to the tank?? ne special way?



