I got an rtc last spring as a present from my wife, she got it on clearance sale. Unfortunately though i do not have a set up to really support him, and the store she bought it from closed 2 days after the purchase so i was unable to exchange it for something more suitable.
He is now currently 19.5 inches long .
I am now in the process of trying to make a large living space for him in my garage utilizing plexi-glass. It currently is about 75% complete, and has a ladder to get in and out for cleaning.
My problem though is i have to find a good way to filter it since it is going to essentially be an indoor pool by the time its said and done. I am currently trying to repurpose a pool filter to do the job, but have concerns about it not supplying enough oxygen into the water.
It stands at 6ft long, 5ft wide and 4ft high.
Anyone have any ideas that won't include a sump system? Already have too many tanks in there and dont want to have to clear a load more space to do a large sump system for the project.