• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

So you want to keep a RTC (Red Tailed Catfish)?

Id have read this post in the past and can only remember some one saying to use sand as a substrate wich is a very good idea buy to be honest no substrate is even better. I have a mate who has been trying to keep his ammonia levels down in his rtc tank and has just not been able to doing huge water changes added more than twice the amount of filtration required but still no luck till today till i when around and removed all his sand subtrate from the tank did a water test and perfect tested the water the san was no sat in and the amonia tested 8ppm. It was also making his ph bad tank is now 7 water from sand 4, So hopefully he will have a very happy rtc from now on. Thought this was worth taking in to acount whith a rtc tank.
I have waited almost 16 years to be able afford the RTC. Here he is...

I am going to get rid of the gravel. I am going to do sand, until he gets bigger, enough to move out of the 100g and then I will most likely have nothing in the bottom of the 300g and nothing from there on out.
Hell yes they get huge my uncle had two in california that he keeps in a basement pond that's about 5,000 gallons with 2 pacus
I bought my catfish when he was 4.5" a month ago and he's now 8". One piece of advice is make sure every fish you have in your tank is more than half the length of his body and make sure you have the tank first. I have him in a 125 until he gets a bit bigger and he loves swimming as fast as he can from one side to the other so if you plan on building your own tank make sure that it's thick enough to handle the hit from the RTC.
I breed koi and have earned a certain fame in the local area as "el tio de los peces" (the fish guy). I've got a warehouse with several ponds in it (3.5 metre circular ponds, about 80cm depth of water) and various assorted tanks from the very large to the fairly small. People have started to bring me their unwanted monsters so there will be some more ponds going up in spring, so far I have "acquired": 2 tiger shovel noses at about 14", an RTC at about 20" and another at about 5" (once the owner saw the size of the first one and found out it was still a baby), 2 albino pangasius at about 12 - 14", a channa maruliodes(sp?) at about 15", a silver aro at about the same and a couple of huge sailfin plecs. I'm planning on trying to set up an amazon biotype pond for the south american beasts, something about 8 or 9 metres long, a couple of metres wide and about a metre of water depth could fit into the space available. I'd like to have it as an example to my clients so when they come for koi I can point at the monsters and insist they don't stock them... Here in Spain such beasts are all too common....
Ya a dwarf RTC would be great! I just got a baby hes about three inches long.
dragonsong;4342474;4342474 said:
Woa what are you feeding??? I've only spent about $10 feeding mine so far since I've bought him!! He only eats about 1 shrimp per sitting right now tho cuz of his size.

1lb of haddock fillets = $3
1lb of market shrimp = $3
Nightcrawlers = free
i agree. your probly buying pricey food. i just had some pork chops last night, took a few small chunks and hand fed my RTC (Reggie), they eat damn near anything protine rich.