Loulou;1740116; said:That makes it a 40 hour week... hmmm, not bad at all!Sun - Tue free, that great!
Wed-sat 12:00-22:00 in work

Loulou;1740116; said:That makes it a 40 hour week... hmmm, not bad at all!Sun - Tue free, that great!
I've done that same shift for ten years in the previous company I was working for! I used to love it so much! It gave me so much free time!Yanbbrox;1740174; said:Wed-sat 12:00-22:00 in workcrap shift but nevermind, it could be worse, it all falls under you quote in my sig
Used to do 4 on 4 off nights 6-6 and was never happier with the free time, it was only when I came off that shift that I realized the damaged work nights could do.Loulou;1740257; said:I've done that same shift for ten years in the previous company I was working for! I used to love it so much! It gave me so much free time!I hope you learn to appreciate it.
Lou, I know little about you really and your country only what you have told me via pm. I can pick up from your posts that you work long hours for whatever a good wage is over there and you live life to the full, you can't be unhappy as you are alwaysLoulou;1740376; said:I do work long hours but not as hard as I could... sincerely, where I am, it's just not worth it... I hope I move soon.
You know, I wish I could be a full time photographer... but that's too much of a dream... especially if it would have been for the National Geographic magazineguess Management is what I'll be into for the foreseeable future...