W wind08 Gambusia MFK Member Jan 21, 2011 133 0 16 Singapore May 5, 2012 #1 Hi folks, Just did a revamp of my predatory comm to a SA comm! Here are the pictures: FTSes
P pjsammut Gambusia MFK Member Dec 15, 2011 195 0 16 Malbourne Australia May 5, 2012 #2 Awesome tank man! Great selection of earth eaters. How old is that heckalii? Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
Awesome tank man! Great selection of earth eaters. How old is that heckalii? Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
W wind08 Gambusia MFK Member Jan 21, 2011 133 0 16 Singapore May 5, 2012 #3 Not too sure how old are the heckeliis though, I'm baby sitting for a friend for a few weeks
W wind08 Gambusia MFK Member Jan 21, 2011 133 0 16 Singapore May 5, 2012 #4 The initial group of EEs Red head tapajos, Satanoperca leucostitca & Gymnogeophagus balzanii Very small minis, 2.5" or so
The initial group of EEs Red head tapajos, Satanoperca leucostitca & Gymnogeophagus balzanii Very small minis, 2.5" or so
W wind08 Gambusia MFK Member Jan 21, 2011 133 0 16 Singapore May 5, 2012 #5 Alpha male RHT, been paired up with a female and digging a pit in the tank. Less action now with the bigger winemilleris and heckeliis in the tank . Beautifully colored faces of the Satanoperca mapiritensis Biotodoma cupido, beautiful yellow hue
Alpha male RHT, been paired up with a female and digging a pit in the tank. Less action now with the bigger winemilleris and heckeliis in the tank . Beautifully colored faces of the Satanoperca mapiritensis Biotodoma cupido, beautiful yellow hue
W wind08 Gambusia MFK Member Jan 21, 2011 133 0 16 Singapore May 5, 2012 #6 Uarus Not really a cichlid not yea, an adonis!
W wind08 Gambusia MFK Member Jan 21, 2011 133 0 16 Singapore May 5, 2012 #7 Finally the fishes im babysitting Geophagus winemilleri Acarichthys heckelii
buddha1200 Fire Eel MFK Member Sep 22, 2008 2,464 12 68 camden, NJ May 5, 2012 #8 looks great,what kind of sand it that looks really good.
P pjsammut Gambusia MFK Member Dec 15, 2011 195 0 16 Malbourne Australia May 5, 2012 #9 Fantastic stock and amazing pictures. You must have a kick ass camera as I can never seem to get such crisp shots. How big is your tank? Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
Fantastic stock and amazing pictures. You must have a kick ass camera as I can never seem to get such crisp shots. How big is your tank? Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
peathenster Bronze Tier VIP MFK Member Nov 26, 2008 5,794 253 896 Georgia, US May 5, 2012 #10 Very nice stock! What made you decide to switch?