looks great,what kind of sand it that looks really good.
Hey thanks!
That's sudo bottom sand, not sure if this brand is available in the US though.
here's a sample pic

Fantastic stock and amazing pictures. You must have a kick ass camera as I can never seem to get such crisp shots. How big is your tank?
Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
Thank you

Not any kick-ass camera but an old entry level DSLR - Nikon D60. The camera is with me for almost 6years and still serving me well

The important was that Eartheaters are generally slow swimming, hence i'm able to get crisp & clear shots without with a external flash

Very nice stock!
What made you decide to switch?
Well, I'm most probably going back to do my degree after working for one year + national service (all singaporean males have to serve the army/navy/airforce and at a smaller extend firemen & police for 2years). Guess I won't have time peeling the prawn shells for my predators, nor would i have the money to buy feeders constantly to feed them.
EEs are good, they eat cheap pellets, treat them to some frozen blood worms & they are so happy