I have to state that this is not true. Especially in Hans' case. In other words Hans sends the same exact quality of fish he would send to an LFS to the people that order from him directly. If he didn't he would quickly go out of business since LFS sales is roughly 90% of his income. So if he sent crudy fish to them they wouldn't order from him again. (He stated to me once that for the smaller discus when he fills orders he normally just scoops whatever one is on the top.)
As for large wholesalers... well I don't know how many of them sell/import discus in the US from asia but you would have to be very careful with anything from an unknown source.
That said I agree that the best way to buy discus is directly from the importer, or special order from your LFS. (Or again better yet find a local breeder.)
Finally remember with Discus in the long run buying the fish is the cheapest cost. (Water changes, heat, food, ect quickly add up over the years.)