Stingrays and Medications....

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I bought Tremazol today. Next week after female gain a little bit of weigth im gonna treat her. Instruction says short bath (20 min.) is better ´cause if you treat the hole tank you have to do 80% WC after 6 hours amd i dont have water enough at home to do so (i use RO water, but dont have the device, i buy the water weekly). I´ll let you know how it goes once treatment is finished. By now female seems to gain weigth after two months eating not too much.
as of now furan2 is not a ray safe med.... i will be buying a few rays in the up coming months and testing them with this medication to complete my notes but for the record now maracyn/maracyn2 and binox for bacteria infections
So what would be the best treatment for "white fuzz" on the stinger?
I apologize if this is redundant - i didnt read this entire thread; but since were having a discussion about medicine i thought id ask
So what would be the best treatment for "white fuzz" on the stinger?
I apologize if this is redundant - i didnt read this entire thread; but since were having a discussion about medicine i thought id ask

Old thread. I used melafix from api and it cleared it right up.
im not sure how this thread came up again after so long with so little information but if it helps BDL11 ive never used any meds other than salt for rays and only then on a couple of occasions in all the time ive kept them.

White spot has started my tank (because of a stressfull cichla was added to tank 1 week ago) on cichlas and myleus, btw 3x healty stingrays in same tank. I increased temperature to 32C = 90F and did not use any meditation or salt yet. But I want to use salt for definite treatment of cichlas and myleus. What is your recommendations for this treatment;

- Can I use salt (no Jodium) and how much salt should I use step by step?
- Should I change feed ratio (1time in a day - frozen shrimp)?
- Should I change water change ration (60% in a week)?
- or do nothing? Maybe increased temp. is enough for treatment?

my tank setup is;

160x70x60cm(h) =670 L = 170 Galon

Cichla ocellaris x1ea.
Cichla monoculus x1ea.
Cichla piquiti azul x1ea.
Cichla kelberi x2ea.

Polypterus senegalus x 1ea.
Polypterus endlicheri x 3ea.
Polypterus ornatipinnis x ea.
Polypterus senegalus x 1ea.

Scleropages Formosus - Banjar red arowana

Potamotrygon Leopoldi sp. x2ea.
Potamotrygon motoro sp. x1ea.

Myleus schomburgkii x6ea.
Myleus fasciatus x1ea.

Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps x3ea.
Peckoltia sabaji x1ea.