Like others have said, strip down the hobby to what makes it enjoyable to you, not what impresses anyone else. I went without a tank for about a year when we moved, sold off my old one a few months before the move and didn't get a new one until we were well settled, and the break from maintenance was nice, but I was glad to get the new tank up and going, I missed sitting in front of it in the evening just watching the fish and their simple little lives.
I've always been a 1 tank kind of keeper, currently its a 90 gallon with a few peaceful cichlids, and all I do is my weekly water change and quick wipe down of the inside glass. Still takes an hour plus to drain and refill but most of that time is spent doing other chores nearby after the 5 minute glass cleaning, and occasional sand sifting. But I got just as much enjoyment 20 years ago from a little 30 gallon loach tank with botiine style loaches, mostly yoyos. They were always playful and active, fairly forgiving of water conditions, it was my first tank. I tried saltwater, I tried peacocks and haps, I tried aggressive cichlids, and found all to be more work than fun for me. Beautiful tanks for those who enjoy them, but not my idea of fun.