I had this senegalus for quite a while now, almost a year, and he was always healthy and active as any other. He was also very friendly and liked swiming around when i was cleaning, feeding, etc.
I raised him since he was around the size of my pinky and he was almost 20cm now. And it was all normal (eating, swimming, doing all he and the others always did) until last night.
I went to feed them normally, and he seemed to eat okay, it was late evening, 7pm or something, and by the time i was setting everything to go to bed (we had christams eve celebrations so it was around 2am) he seemed to be floating a little more than usual, and somewhat struggling to rest at the bottom?
It looked unusual, but not that much since he always followed me around whenever i passed by the tank, so i thought it was nothing. This morning he was floating on his back and dead.
Last night he seemed to be defecating when he was floating and now his anus (idk what they are called in fish, cloaca?) Is red and weird. There is an area near his chest that looks a little red too, but its very light. Aside from that, everything is fine, water quality, temperature, last (weekly) water change was almost week ago i doubt that would be it, no signs of bites or fights (his tankmates are 2 other polys, a florida gar and a pleco) or anything. I wonder if the fireworks people shoot would be something but i highly doubt it would do anything for the fish at all.
Need help to atleast try to identify what it was? He was very dear to me and im still struggling to accept his desth. Everything is fine, i dont know what couldve caused it.
Will be attaching pics.
Thanks in advance!
I raised him since he was around the size of my pinky and he was almost 20cm now. And it was all normal (eating, swimming, doing all he and the others always did) until last night.
I went to feed them normally, and he seemed to eat okay, it was late evening, 7pm or something, and by the time i was setting everything to go to bed (we had christams eve celebrations so it was around 2am) he seemed to be floating a little more than usual, and somewhat struggling to rest at the bottom?
It looked unusual, but not that much since he always followed me around whenever i passed by the tank, so i thought it was nothing. This morning he was floating on his back and dead.
Last night he seemed to be defecating when he was floating and now his anus (idk what they are called in fish, cloaca?) Is red and weird. There is an area near his chest that looks a little red too, but its very light. Aside from that, everything is fine, water quality, temperature, last (weekly) water change was almost week ago i doubt that would be it, no signs of bites or fights (his tankmates are 2 other polys, a florida gar and a pleco) or anything. I wonder if the fireworks people shoot would be something but i highly doubt it would do anything for the fish at all.
Need help to atleast try to identify what it was? He was very dear to me and im still struggling to accept his desth. Everything is fine, i dont know what couldve caused it.
Will be attaching pics.
Thanks in advance!