Synodontis schoutedeni?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I rearranged the scape today and captured some foraging activity by the waterloti, rarely seen dince i moved them into my community tank. Its become apparent to me that they mostly stay hidden in this tank due to aggression by a lot of the tankmates. The ornatus and my gold severum seem to get particularly miffed by their behavior for some reason. Nevertheless they have put on good size since last i saw them probably a couple months ago.

I fully expected these fish were goners after not seeing them for several months, but upon breaking down my community tank found them hidden and healthy in the depths of the rockwork. Even my jag cats were more gregarious than these lurkers. Its a shame they aren't more active because they are very good looking fish imo. Here, a momentary glimpse of them before they disappear into some crevice in this tank...