
Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Sep 8, 2013
South Louisiana
I don't know the real details on this, but--look around for RD's comments on this.

Peas and Lima Beans are starchy veggies you want to stay away from. I think the issue is proteins and complex carb's are not good for fish. Those things in foods are things terrestrial mammals evovled to eat, not fish.

For fish, keep it to cool vegetables low in starch and protein, or fruits that aren't overly acidic or mushy. Fruits have "simple" carbs?

Zucchini, squash, Romaine lettuce, leafy green stuff like spinach I've done. Brocolli fits the bill, but I've never tried it cause I have lots of Vieja--they start tearing up brocolli in the tank that'd be a huge mess.

Of the fruits I've tried--Mango's the best, strawberries, peaches, apples, plums, papaya (Syn's LOVE papaya, other fish not as much, but they'll all still eat it). Where I live, lots of people have these trees that make real hard pears that you can only cook with--Vieja LOVE those, they're not too messy, perfect.

We also have plum trees down here--pretty mushy and don't last long in the tank water at all unless they're under-ripe.

Adult Vieja will eat this stuff all day and night until it's gone. You want to pull it out sometime before then. If they eat enough of a fruit/vegetable, it literally just goes right through them.

I put one Romaine leaf in the tank--anymore and they just eat it all night, next morning the tank looks like a weedeater passed through. I put one mango cut in half in my 540--there's 20 fish in there. In my 125, I put half a zucchini cut in half lengthwise. Just to give you an idea how much--because too m uch is a mess in the tank. You'll see as the fish get big, and you've done it about 2-3 times.
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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Sep 26, 2015
A variety high in vegetable matter.
I feed mine broccoli, peas, spinach, pellets prawns and they take anything else offered to their tank mates.
They are far from fussy and eat anything but lots of green foods do them good.
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