• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I wish there was some way to just get these as fry or small juvis. I prefer getting a group of mixed sex fish to grow out myself but I suppose the price range of $150-$600 is excellent for adults. Maybe not this time of year though.
Way better looking than the regular BP's. A lot of people I know keep them but I think they are ugly as sin. THAT looks like a fish I would want to keep.
id say 1400$ for the males
Yeah kinda sucks to have a transhipper whose undependable. I been waiting to get one of these guy for awhile as well...dont even know if they really coming in or not...

She is very dependable...text her do not call her. She will not pick up anyone calls. She isn't that free with over 500 fish on every shipment(every 2 weeks) + her 3 children. She barely come online as well, maybe once every 2-3 days or a week.