tank conversion 5000 to 10000 gallons

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Thank you John!! It was really great to meet you and to see what you have built! Thanks for taking time out of your day to share your space and knowledge! For all of you that have not had the pleasure of visiting Sam....he is HUGE!!! waaaay larger than any picture or web cam can portray. I was at a loss for words when i saw how massive the tank and all its inhabitants were in real life. The fact that there are fish breeding and raising their young with all of those predators shows exactly how comfortable they all are in that enclosure. Truly impressive!

Thanks again...can't wait to come back!
Oh and btw...I just got my 240 setup in the living room this weekend! Still have to fill it and get lights etc but I'll open a thread and post pics once its up and running.