I currently own a 75 gallon aquarium with a texas cichlid that is about 5" in length, a green terror that is about 3.5" in length and a convict cichlid that is about 7.5" in length. Now the problem is the green terror and the texas are tag teaming this convict and are beating him up bad, I just got the convict from a friend who got out of the hobby but owned the fish for many years and he is the coolest looking convict I have ever seen and was figuring the 75 gallon tank would have been large enough for these 3 cichlids to live in but my other 2 fish began just outright chasing and biting him, I ran out to the pet store and bought some decor and did a water change but it hasent really solved my problem they continue to attack him. So I was thinking of getting some kind of divider for the aquarium and keeping the convict by himself, but I cant find any dividers for a 75 gallon aquarium. I figured u guys could help me out any help with a link or if anyone has one that they would wanna sell I would appreciate it guys.