I am currently trying to set up a 125 gallon tank in my fish room. My son made the stand for me (with a tiny bit of my help), and when we finally got it in my fish room we were both amazed at how level it appeared to be. We set the tank on top, and I noticed gaps between the tank and the stand. It is 72.5" x 18.5" x 23.4". The 23.4" is the height. I know most of you most likely have larger sumps than this, but it's a monster to me. The back right hand corner (if facing the tank) is about an 1/8" up in the air, but the left front corner is about 1/4" up in the air. At this point I'm afraid to add water in fear of breaking the silicone seals around the glass. Have any of you ever been in this situation, and if you have what is your advice?