Tank of the *** 2024 and beyond

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

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  • Of course! I love it!

  • Heck no, this is dumb, whats wrong with you Rob

  • I like cheese

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It’s all happening now C Chicxulub is back on the scene.
Maybe a contest every 2nd month that can be a tank, a photo or a fish?
It seems like 2 months is enough time to get some entries in and by removing the criteria of either a tank or a photo it doesn’t restrict anyone who wants to try their luck. I always thought photo of the month favours someone with a nice camera as opposed to a crappy old phone.

if a notification could be sent reminding people to enter it might help with the amount of entries too.
I think I had just about got used to the fact that I wasn’t going to win anything on here and the “badges”, “icons” and to be honest “scoring” is all just a bit of fun and doesn’t really mean anything ( thank you esoxlucius esoxlucius for all the counselling), so I am in a good place to say, happy to go with any idea you come up with……. Especially if it brings in more folks and keeps the site going………… after all esox can’t council me for ever and I now use all you guys!
I always found the Tank of the Month contest a bit limiting since most people only have a few tanks or even just one. It would therefore make sense to reduce the frequency of the competition in order to have more participation per competition. But I think every 3 or 4 months is better than just once a year.

You could also do just one per year and have 4 additional categories corresponding to the most visited subforums:
-Ancient Fish
- Cichlids
- Bottom Dwellers
-Other Monster Fish
But I understand that this would at least require a little more work for the moderator, as he has to check whether the images fit the category.
Happy to oblige Fishman Dave Fishman Dave . Lol.

I admit, all these competitions and awards and such don't mean anything to me whatsoever. But for some, they do. Nothing wrong with that.

If it brings a bit more traffic to the forum and generally raises interest more then I'm all for changes here and there, so I vote yes to whatever.

I'm just glad that C Chicxulub is back. Admin are so important to the smooth running of a forum, and we were without for so long.
Recognition is the prize! Do we already have photo of the month? Why can't that be tank or fish and at year-end choose one tank pic and one fish pic? I did not follow the silver/bronze idea with X number of submissions...sorry.
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Fish of the month, eh? Interesting concept. Y'all discuss that and let's see where it goes.

Ive always thought contests with no prize werent worth having in the first place.

But hey, maybe a contest for a free 550g aquarium? :naughty:

Only have one of those to give away, and I don't want to wait till the end of the year to be rid of it 🤣

Recognition is the prize! Do we already have photo of the month? Why can't that be tank or fish and at year-end choose one tank pic and one fish pic? I did not follow the silver/bronze idea with X number of submissions...sorry.

I may be fiscally comfortable, but not so much so that I'm willing to bankroll physical prizes lol. In the past winners would get stickers and hoodies and whatnot, which may be on the table again as I get things spun back up, but no promises either way.

The awards where I mentioned bronze and silver are the little baubles you see next to people's names. One of the easiest ways to earn one is through the photo contests- they're something small you get for Internet clout at least.

The real purpose is just something fun to do as a community.

And like Ogertron3000 Ogertron3000 said above- my mass notifications make all the difference in the world. Look at how much engagement this one post has gotten literally overnight with the vote counts as opposed to what any thread gets without it.
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I had been thinking of doing a category based POTM, so the idea of making that its own contest sounds like a good idea to me.
Say it were “characin of the month,” users could email a picture, the fish’s size, age, and species. You’d basically be voting on both the pic itself as well as how well the keeper did getting it to that point.