---XR---;1623468; said:longest thread in the world sounds like a plan, i think it had something like 1.3 mil posts...
I had over 200 yesterday..... Anything can happen....I would like to know, what records fell at the hands of Team A
---XR---;1623468; said:longest thread in the world sounds like a plan, i think it had something like 1.3 mil posts...
ermgravy;1623473; said:so what, thats like 24/7 for two-three years if we really go some!
fixed..erermgravy;1623473; said:so what, thats like 24/7 for two-three Awesome Years... if we really go some!
---XR---;1623481; said:team awesome needs a mascot and some officaial looking Sig's or something..We gotta get organized..
hotfishgirls;1623482; said:can i be the mascot??