Team Awesome

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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actually, it's probably gonna be like one of those radio show contests, where caller #9 wins. We are all gonna be waiting for #999 to come up and then...BAM, 30 posts flood in LOL
Onion01;1625419; said:
actually, it's probably gonna be like one of those radio show contests, where caller #9 wins. We are all gonna be waiting for #999 to come up and then...BAM, 30 posts flood in LOL

nah, we'll set it to auto-close at 999.
wow was reading most this, its like when we made the nitecrew thread so long ago, sweet to see a thread like it. oh a ? for team awsome lol should i do more water changes if i noticed a cpl pbass with ich, i just noticed, im raiseing temp and added salt i have never lost fish to ich just woundering if it helps if i do more water changes or is it better to do less for less stress on them, thanks TEAM AWSOME
USMCtanker;1625426; said:
wow was reading most this, its like when we made the nitecrew thread so long ago, sweet to see a thread like it. oh a ? for team awsome lol should i do more water changes if i noticed a cpl pbass with ich, i just noticed, im raiseing temp and added salt i have never lost fish to ich just woundering if it helps if i do more water changes or is it better to do less for less stress on them, thanks TEAM AWSOME

This is just personal technique, but in addition to raising the temperature, I do many small water changes. The emphasis, however, is not on sucking out the water, it's on vacuuming the gravel well. It removes the ich "eggs" developing on the gravel. It is not essential, just as adding salt isn't really that big (I just leave temp up at 86-88), but I have noticed a recovery time of 3-5 less days.
sweet thanks bro, ill prob do a cpl small ones add alittle salt and up temp, im sure they will be fine. thanks for info
USMCtanker;1625497; said:
sweet thanks bro, ill prob do a cpl small ones add alittle salt and up temp, im sure they will be fine. thanks for info

no problem. A good technique I learned from the former juantamad was to always keep baby pbass in warm water. His were continuously in 86-87F water. Since they are suceptible to ich, this pretty much prevented ich, and kept their metabolism high (therefore more eating, and more eating is more growing). He raised some great specimens
1 me
2 bigspizz
3 Gr8karma
4 onion
5 ermgravy
6 nic
7 Liam
8 opiate
9 rayman45
10 ---XR---
11 monsternoob
12 the trust
13 Kobeclone
14 cichlaguapote
15 redtail fool
16 Delgado
17 scubasteve06
18 Mystix212
19 Cszachury
20 Princess
21 jcardona1
22 Dixon
23 johnptc
24 duke33
25 Kdcarey
26 rallysman
27 hotfishgirls
28 djdlemma
29 Vizzerdrix26
30 death pony
31 ALblue
32 frnchjeep
33 IoStrisciare
34 Mcox3
35 Kntrygrl4lyfe
36 Razman
37 PeanutPower
38 USMCtanker
39 Tongue33
40 Weylin
41 robmcd
42 kusojijii
43 DABoepple
44 sherbear
45 Pacothepacu
46 Dan Feller
55 bigspizz again...woot
69 Behemoth by request

do it up!
Onion01;1625508; said:
no problem. A good technique I learned from the former juantamad was to always keep baby pbass in warm water. His were continuously in 86-87F water. Since they are suceptible to ich, this pretty much prevented ich, and kept their metabolism high (therefore more eating, and more eating is more growing). He raised some great specimens

ya im thinken of uping the temp and keeping it at 86 or so, i have a moto ray, del, and a jar also in there so they should be fine at those temps as well right?
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