Sorry bro
Lost my pride and joy this evening. She was ment to be a 14cent feeder, but beat the odds. She was 9 years old, 13" long. The exact reason for me being a fish keeper and where I am today. You cannot replace this kind of friendship....... The tank will never be the same.
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the rainbow wolf fish in my avatar died a few months ago after a long battle with fungus and some other un know disease's he had eye cloud that would never clear up and his gill turned white
I posted mine a while back. Couldn't bring myself to simply throw him out. So, I took the royal to the taxidermist. He's being mounted to his favorite piece of driftwood.
I had someone spike my tank. Never did find out what was thrown in it, but ended up losing a 12" arowana, 4x8" pacus, a 16" pacu, an albino channel cat, and a blue chanel cat (both around 8"). They were fine when I left for the store, and when I returned 15 minutes later, the pacus were swimming upside down, and the cats were already dead. The larger pacu and the arowana took a little longer to die. The rest of the fish in the tank seemed unharmed, including another arowana. Note to self-never trust a begrudging roommate. This pic is just the first ones I fished out of the tank.