• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hate to sound insensitive but lol @the trash can shot!...Tough losses though,especially the tig.
Well my GF threw a perch in my Oscar tank Thursday night, and the perch was just alittle tiny bit bigger than the O.
I had to go out if town for a couple days,
I just got a text that, "The Oscar, brutally murdered this perch!"
I laughed so hard!
I feel so bad though.

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Hate to sound insensitive but lol @the trash can shot!...Tough losses though,especially the tig.

Yea man I always want to do something more almost did for my almost 2 foot knifefish a year ago who jumped ship one night when lid was left ajar but sadly they all have gone into the trash due to neccesity as Im sure many have, I have no desire to arrange them on towels and such as Ive seen on this post lol there gone and its sad, was real close to taking the lil tig to the taxidermist but had work and by time after even in fridge he was too spoiled woulda been nice to at least have a 200$ awesome mini tig mount on the fireplace alas
I used to have a weather loach frozen in my fridge. He got killed when my filter malfunctioned. Sad thing is, I was actually really attached to the guy. He was 6" long and I named him Strider...but then filter malfunctioned, I put him in the freezer after he died. My mom JUST recently found him too. She was like" WHAT IS THIS FISH DOING IN MY FREEZER!" I'm sitting there like, "Uh...I DIDNT DO ET!"
My 18 inch silver aro died of an internal parasite. He was by far my and my families favorite fish and it really hurt to seem him go.
sorry for the losses guys.. lost my RTC a few weeks ago..
Lost a gar lastnight found him in the mouth of the redtail...this morning the cat threw him up ...I found it floating so I decided to chop it up and let the cat finish him off...smh....I didn't know how thick the scales on the gar was until I tried slicing monsters are in a tank with a beast (RT)...I'm sure my wolf is next then the other gar and then maybe the pacu...

Fed em the other night big eater... and usual dog like come up to the tank. now to come to find em on his side.... didnt check on the tank all day thought he would be fine....very random...

2-3" when i got this little guy

