The insanity continues... My 345 SA/CA re-build thread


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Apr 23, 2014
Looks cool with just the feeders!
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David R

Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 26, 2005
New Zealand
That looks awesome! The partial background is really effective, and with nothing on the top it looks really clean. I'd love to have that in my living room!
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David R

Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 26, 2005
New Zealand
That looks awesome! The partial background is really effective, and with nothing on the top it looks really clean. I'd love to have that in my living room!
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Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 4, 2011
Fort Worth Texas
...Thank you to everyone who has posted, I really do appreciate the comments/compliments!:D

This is incredible! I might have missed this but what are you using for lighting?
The lighting is provided via the built in can lights on the furdown above the tank.

Front row is 4x 6" cans (adjustable) with 5200k LED spot lights
Back row is 2x 6" cans (adjustable) with 5w remote color change RGB LED (I wouldn't call them spotlights but they seem bright enough for now)


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 4, 2011
Fort Worth Texas
Looks great! Decided to scrap the old waterfall?
Thanks!... yeah, wanted to tone it down a bit at the new place. Plus the exposed brick wall is kind of cool to have back there, although I have debated adding some deco. I bought a "no fishing" sign and still hadn' put it up, lol.

On a side note:

Wow, hadn' realized it'd been this long since an update. I hadn't even posted my stock up yet (lazy), I will make sure to post some pics soon as well as an update.
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Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 4, 2011
Fort Worth Texas
Wow... so its been forever since I made an update. Hopefully I'll be able to fill you all in on the quick and dirty and get this thread back on track.

So; it's been about 7 months since the last update and there have been a few changes. Life has been busy, couple that with a loss of an important fish and you get 0 time devoted to MFK :(

If you were wondering, it was my Oscar "Moby Dick" that ended up dying in November. He was 9 years old and a solid 14", I honestly have no idea what happened to him; just that he stopped eating one day and passed about 2 weeks later. He showed no signs of bloating or stress and was still and active swimmer but just in case I treated for constipation (Epsom salt and blanched peas) however in the end nothing worked...

R.I.P. Moby Dick

...So, enough with the sad stuff, lets look ahead!

Currently My stock consists of:

1 x Flagtail Prochilodus (Semaprochilodus insignis)
5 x Silver Dollar (Metynnis argenteus)
1 x Senegal Bichir (Polypterus senegalus)
1 x Salvini Cichlid (Cichlasoma Salvini)
1 x Redhead Severum (Heros sp. Rotkeil)
1 x Electric Blue Acara (Aequidens pulcher)
6 x Denisoni Barb (Puntius denisonii)
1 x Firemouth (Thorichthys meeki)
1 x Nicaraguan Cichlid - Female (Hypsophrys nicaraguensis)
2 x Buenos Aires Tetra (Hyphessobrycon anisitsi)
8 x Rainbow Cichlid (Archocentrus multispinosus)
1 x Lyonsi Cichlid (Amphilophus lyonsi)

I'm not quite done adding fish yet either. I would really like to add at least two more cichlids and possibly another small shoal of dithers.

High on my list would have to be:

True Parrot Cichlid (Hoplarchus Psittacus)
Redhead Cichlid (Vieja Synspila) --------- Not sure if that would work or not
Texas Cichlid (Herichthys cyanoguttatus)
...some kind of Pike that wouldn't wipe everything I had out!
...I'm open to suggestions

I had honestly debated adding another Oscar but decided against it in the long run. I am not opposed to getting another big Goofy O I just don't plan on doing it in this tank, at least not at this time. When it comes to adding more dithers, I doubt I'll do it but hey, sometimes fish just catch your eye.

As for the tank itself; not much has changed. I've added a temporary cover to the front and the sides, since I can't make up my mind on how I want to finish it out and for the time being, I'm not growing anything in the plant beds... This is of course, not by choice: we had a plumbing pipe break under our slab and back up a toilet, which caused a fairly decent sized flood; so we are in the process of breaking down two bedrooms, two bathrooms and our kitchen to prepare for a tear out and rebuild. Since I didn't have much growing anyways, I pulled it so I could shut off the air pumps and cover the top.

After all of the repairs have been completed, I plan on replanting the lid and all of the planters and getting some FTS to add to the thread; until then, let me introduce you to my fishies! :D

in no particular order:


He has been and seems he always will be my wife and sons favorite (I kinda like him too)

My group of spotted Silver Dollars:

From left to right: Spike, Dollar, Lady Bird, Spot and Rex


I'm honestly not sold on the name Sally but nothing else has popped up yet


Still pretty young, not really showing a lot of color yet.


Not sure how old she is, I bought her with a bit of color on her already and she measures out to around 4-5"


The first of my new cichlids to take food from my hand, very active and super awesome fish!


This girl (maybe guy, please correct me if I'm wrong) looks so much different in my tank than she did at the LFS I got her from. She was in a small tank with several other Severums and at the time was green and red, with orange highlights. I honestly thought she was a male but now after the incredible color transformation I'm not quite sure of the sex or to be honest the exact type of Severum she really is; either way, I still like her/him.


with stripes

without stripes... Super cool fish, gets along with tanks mates well and I've always wanted one, random find and a happy pick up. Also, if there's anyone out there that can accurately sex this fish at this size and believes it to be female, please let me know.

A shot of a few of the Rainbows:

Yet another cichlid that I have always wanted to add to my tank. It took forever to find a group of them around here, now all of a sudden the supply is abundant. They are still young but are starting to show color. - Bonus, you can see the two Buenos Aires Tetra "Thing 1 & Thing 2" in this pic. These guys are awesome, if I were to add more dithers, it would probably be more of this Tetra.


Had this guy for a while, a little skiddish but really awesome looking fish and a great cleaner

Thats about it for now, just wanted to catch everyone up on where I was at and what my stock was looking like. As always: all comments, questions, suggestions, etc are always appreciated, thanks for looking and have a good one! ;)


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 5, 2017
Flint town!
My last oscar I had for 10 years and I haven't been able to buy another one since. That was 20 years ago. I see them and have thought many times how it would fit my tank and I should take one home I just haven't. Not sure why really but just "unable to pull the trigger".

Your tank looks great I like all the different fish in there. I am really interested in seeing your planted lid come in to being. What plants do you have a plan for or do you have a plant plan?

I'm a poly guy so I like the little sen too. My tank is mostly polys. I'm looking for some dithers also probably going to go with congo tetras. I was thinking a group of 8 2 males 6 females. I also like the Buenos Aires tetras and Columbian tetras when in a group.
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