The MFKers Guide to Keeping Turtles and Fish Together

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I feed my mata a school of about 200 minoes that are a bit larger than tetras each week. That would be a terrible idea to mix them.
can i keep a diamond back terrapin with my fish and my large aroowana
10 inches is still quite large and these are quite aggressive turtles. I am not saying that there is no way for it to work but I would imagine you would need a pond size tank to house one successfully with fish.
10 inches is still quite large and these are quite aggressive turtles. I am not saying that there is no way for it to work but I would imagine you would need a pond size tank to house one successfully with fish.

well my tank is pretty big,(1500 liters, 210x110x75 cm) so a turtle that maxsize on 10 inch (25cm) isn't too big i dont think... Or do they really need that much swimming area?
ok, let's say that all fish are bigger than the turtle... say, 25-40 cm... Then it should be no problem? or can it turn the other way then? i mean the fish trying to eat the turtle.... ?
I have seen Apalone's take down fish twice their size but my experience is mostly with small (6-10") A.ferox. Keep in mind also that your tank's water level will have to be halved to allow for a proper basking area with UVA/ UVB. This will significantly reduce the space your animals have to get away from each other.
My 5" RES will go serial killer on rosy reds, but he can't manage to catch the feeder guppies that are in there lol
I'm thinking about attempting adding a small painted to my 125 gallon, i need to make sure i get one that isn't so small it gets bullied, my sunnys are kind of jerks
Ive kept 5 different turtles with schools of smaller barbs, and a few larger native fish for the past year with no issue. I have a Map, Slider, Musk, Soft Shell, and common snapper. They are all under 5 inches long and seem to ignore the fish, even the snapper. The Soft Shell is the most active and best swimmer, and the most aggressive towards me if i get him out, but he also ignores the fish. This was in a 55 as well as my 220.