The MFKers Guide to Keeping Turtles and Fish Together

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Never release captive fish into the wild! Except into private ponds not connected to other water bodies, we have a whole thread devoted to this.
Yeah probably not the best call but once they got to big for the tank and started being aggressive it was either throw them back in the creek they came from or out on the hot pavement. They were healthy fish they never came into contact with any non native or even non locally caught fish that hadn’t come from the same body of water.
Does anyone know any good fish to house with a yellow belly slider and red eared slider in a 140 gallon? Right now they are in 20 gallon and about 3 inches , her are some pics.

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Fast movers are best, I've done green sunfish a lot, they like to take food from turtles tho.You could also do a school of giant danios or other energetic fish.
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Fast movers are best, I've done green sunfish a lot, they like to take food from turtles tho.You could also do a school of giant danios or other energetic fish.
Yh love giant danios! Have a school if them in my 55 ! I will research sunfish, never heard of em.
Nah, sunfish are impossible to get here, can't find anywhere that sell them , got any other ideas, like jag cichlids, oscars and green Texas?
Nah, sunfish are impossible to get here, can't find anywhere that sell them , got any other ideas, like jag cichlids, oscars and green Texas?
Jags might bite turtles in that small a tank, personally many of the common African cichlids should work,as well as tiger barbs.

Avoid anything slow moving or that would make a easy target for turtles to bite on.

A key thing is to have places for fish to get away from turtles.

You can also take a net to a local stream to collect live food for your turtles, be sure to quarantine first.
Tiger Barb's! I love tiger Barb's so I will prob go for those , and there are some cool varieties.
Nah, I don't like silver dollars, dunno why.
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Tiger Barb's! I love tiger Barb's so I will prob go for those , and there are some cool varieties.
Nah, I don't like silver dollars, dunno why.
Why not go for all the varieties you can find?
Red/pink phase

Then maybe add a couple rosy or golden barbs.

Note: best results tend to occur when fish are added a few days before turtles.
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Just a question , do you fill the water 75 percent of the way and then add a floating turtle dock or build a lot of substrate up into a hill on one side and use that so the turtles can climb up more easily?