I envy anyone that has kept 100 different species of pleco. The LFS has butterfly Plecs L168, and they look terrible. No color to them, the stripes that should be bright yellow to brown, are a very dull brownish gray.
its hard to judge though, because if you nurse them to good health, or put them in a less stressful environment they can gain there colour back. i just like being able to see their "normal" colouration before i buy
These two just weren't in the shape of what I would even consider for purchase. Sunken stomachs, and poor coloration. They were the only two fish in the tank too.
well the colouring may stay the same if they dont have a place to hide and/or are stressed. We have plecos that appear healthy. but their colouration is poor until you put them in an environment that suits them
I had some 168's which took a few weeks to settle but are now showing strong markings. I guess with all wild fish the shock of going from a river to a tank must be extreme hence the dropping of colour/pattern.