The Woefully Underappreciated Sponge Filter

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I bred Discus, Malawi Peacocks and Tanganyikan Cichlids for some time, and all I ever used in the growout tanks were DIY sponge filters. They worked wonderfully! A piece of the old girlfriend's stocking, a few river pebbles in the bottom for weight, tubing to the bottom, pack with pillow batting, tie the top with monofilament fishing line, done.

I just built a river style sponge filter for my new pleco tank. I'll post pics once I get them transferred to it. Sponges are a great way to filter, I enjoyed the write up!

I know this was posted a while ago, but has anyone tried this method for a DIY sponge filter?
ac 110 sponge,and a capped piece of pvc pipe ,drill holes in the pvc.cut a hole lengthwise in the sponge,big enough to fit pvc.insert pvc in sponge .insert airstone ,connected to air pump,inside pvc . DONE you could weight it down with a tile attached to the capped (bottom) end of the pvc.
well, I've begun stocking my 72g bow with african cichlids, so far we have 5, and I was considering buying a new canister filter cuz I didn't think my two sponge filters would have been enough. Thanks so much for this thread because now all I'm going to do is get a low pressure high volume powerhead and one pro series sponge to replace one of my current sponges! I want the powerhead for more surface agitation; currently I just have bubbles from the two sponge filters and one other air stone, not much surface movement at all, and if I'm going to stock this on the heavier side I want to know that I have well oxygenated water. Now I'm off to do a little shopping and view more of this site.
well, I've begun stocking my 72g bow with african cichlids, so far we have 5, and I was considering buying a new canister filter cuz I didn't think my two sponge filters would have been enough. Thanks so much for this thread because now all I'm going to do is get a low pressure high volume powerhead and one pro series sponge to replace one of my current sponges! I want the powerhead for more surface agitation; currently I just have bubbles from the two sponge filters and one other air stone, not much surface movement at all, and if I'm going to stock this on the heavier side I want to know that I have well oxygenated water. Now I'm off to do a little shopping and view more of this site.
that should work, stack the 2 youhave now and youll be OVERFILTERED
sponge filters rock! this thread rocks too! ive always used sponge filters and never had a problem with them!!!
I'm sold, was going to toss an airstone or two in my tank and have decided to put two Hydro V's in there instead. Only question is, what's a good air pump to use for two of these?
I like penn- plax,but anything that puts out lots of air will do.some smaller pumps can be problematic in deep tanks
Whats the best cheapest material to use ? Ive read chair couch cushions or outdoor chair cushions , i know about 110 sponges, poret,etc. i wanna use something different i know people are using different stuff so some input would be very useful as i wanna use them in my fish room so thanks in advance!