The Woefully Underappreciated Sponge Filter

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I have sponge filters in every tank I have, except one. Our power has a knack for going out several times a year. Haven't lost a single fish so far. It was out once for 1 1/2 days and I was near freaking out. Battery powered air pump and sponge filter saved the day. Besides the biological aspect of them, they do make a nice water polisher as well.
OK this thread has convinced me to put sponge filters in my tanks. Quick question on setting up a new one, it will be a 300 gallon. If I move the sponges from 3 55 gallon tanks into the 300 when it is set up will it decrease the cycle time or is the difference in size just to much?
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OK this thread has convinced me to put sponge filters in my tanks. Quick question on setting up a new one, it will be a 300 gallon. If I move the sponges from 3 55 gallon tanks into the 300 when it is set up will it decrease the cycle time or is the difference in size just to much?

As someone who crashed a cycle this is a must, it will definitely decrease the cycle time and handle more of a bio load than using nothing or fresh filters. You can also speed it up by using substrate or wood from another tank. Keep the fish count low and slowly add - good luck!
Yeah I'm planning on using substrate....gonna put some driftwood and slate and such in the other tanks to "season" until the 300 is ready probably gonna be about mayish.
from 3 55 gallon tanks into the 300 when it is set up will it decrease the cycle time or is the difference in size just to much?
Hello; To me it is not the size of the tanks. It is more the biomass of living things in the tanks. Lets pretend only the fish count for a moment. I have a 55 gallon set up with only a single angel fish cichlid right now. The amount of beneficial bacteria (bb) this single fish will be dependent on the ammonia it excretes on average. That single fish could be kept in a smaller tank or a larger tank but would still only support a similar amount of bb. So the issue will more be what biomass/bioload are in the old tanks compared to the new tank.

Keep the fish count low and slowly add - good luck!
This is good advice. In the large new set up the sponge filters you rob from the established tanks will have some colonies of bb so will be able to handle an amount of ammonia from the get go. Problem can be matching the bb capacity to the fish load at first. So adding smaller fish or smaller numbers of fish to the new setup at first and adding more over time can allow the bb populations to increase naturally. BB bacteria do not reproduce at fast rates compared to some other bacteria is my understanding, so coming into balance can take a few weeks.

Last thing is it is not just the fish dumping ammonia into the water. In my angel fish tank I also have snails. Probably a greater biomass of snails than the single fish so a greater population of bb than just the fish would support. Regardless of what you do about fish numbers or size you will be miles ahead of having an established (cycled) new tank by robbing the sponge filters from old tanks.

Good luck
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Just added a coarse sponge pre- filter to the intake of my Eheim Classic 2213. Hopefully, I won’t have have to clean the canister as often. Flow is just fine. Have my first sponge filter in the baby bristlenose tank. Seems to work well. I have a pretty heavy bubble stream. Is slower or faster flow rate better? Thanks for the info
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Just added a coarse sponge pre- filter to the intake of my Eheim Classic 2213. Hopefully, I won’t have have to clean the canister as often. Flow is just fine. Have my first sponge filter in the baby bristlenose tank. Seems to work well. I have a pretty heavy bubble stream. Is slower or faster flow rate better? Thanks for the info
Have you had any problems with losing fry with the coarse sponge filter? That is my main concern, and why I still use fine sponges. Thanks.
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I hate tank kits that give you a relatively small tank and a giant HOB. I have lost so many mildly ill, and even some perfectly fine fish (weaker swimmers such as puffers) simply because they were sleeping too close to the filter and got sucked up at night. I bought prefilters for the HOB filters in my 29 + 55. Has prevented a number of casualties. Also, feeder guppies. Before I got the prefilters, I would wake up to see like 20 crammed in the filter by morning every time I got them, which was and still is very often.
New guy here reading an old but great post. I used to be a large scale breeder (@40 years ago) for African Cichlids & did killifish on the side because I enjoyed them so much. I had my basement in New England converted to a fish room with an air blower which powered the sponge filters that were in "every tank". Also had daylight lighting on timers and a controlled room temp. Multiple cultures going all the time to feed fry. O2 tanks for shipping fish. The military, constantly moving put an end to my hobby/business. Now I have been out of the hobby since 1990 and have most likely forgotten quite a bit and I'm sure there is a lot of new technology I know nothing about. Retired now and preparing to buy a 90 gallon tank to enjoy now that I am retired. Planning on doing some South American Cichlids as I've never done these before. Currently looking at Geo Redhead Tapajo, Electric Blue Acara, Gymnogeophagus balzanii. I am going to need a lot of help and advice. Looking forward to ideas and advice. Thanks Bob.
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