Three Sperata allegedly aor from Ray Chan

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
The biggest aor in the RTC 4500 gal now looks to be around 3', even though it never touches thawed fish, only takes pellets. Still only dislikes the 4' Suriname piraiba in his tank and gives it a nudge or a short chase.

Underwater 12:10-13:00 minutes:

The other one is around 2.5' and still in the non-RTC 4500 gal, battling it out a bit with wyckii but of course losing. This one too used to only take pellets but since I started offering this tank thawed 2" glass minnows, it took a liking to those too and now might even take a cut piece of herring if hungry.

Our third aor has been doing well at Rodrigo's the last I saw in his 12,500 gal.

One of the Indian shovelnoses (InSN) that had been housed in the "less aggressive" 4500 gal with Hemibagrus wyckii as the new boss of the tank had too much damage regularly from wyckii for my comfort, for months and months, so it was placed on the adoption out list and was bought by Blake's friend Sebastian of Ft. Lauderdale.

So we ended up with only one remaining, the one living it up in the "aggressive" or RTC 4500 gal. It is about 33".

Soon after we were left with just one InSN out of three, the Murphy's law kicked in and the InSN was attacked by its two paroon shark tank mates, initiated and led by the smaller 3-footer and joined in by the larger 3.5 footer. The pelagic paroons swooped down on the benthic InSN repeatedly from above and bit its dorsal and middle back for no good reason, other than possibly hunger in retrospect, maybe... I won't retype the story I told in this video, so unfortunately, one'd need to take a listen and look.

The InSN did recover and to today has been fine back in its tank (with paroons) for a week now. No bite marks. The InSN is much more active though than it ever had been before. Don't know yet if it will last or what to make of it.

A few the photos to go along with the story in the above video. This is in the beginning of the recovery when most of the outer skin layers fell / died off.

The piraiba abuser Indian shovelnose has earned a one way ticket out of the 4500:

Has been dissing fish as food since 10inches for the last 6 years. Only takes pellets.