My oscar never eats plants, but he sure likes to rip them apart. He also digs at them until he uproots them. It varies fish by fish, but I would say most oscars won't tolerate plants.
I have 3 Tiger Oscars and they dont get the plants they rip em up looking for food due to there nature. Its just them checking around or they really dis like you decor skills...LOL...either way they distrop weak plants because they dont really handle well to the Oscars. You can check out on google for aquatic plants and aquatic scapes , most places sell packages and in the packages, they have one thats made up of tuff plants that handle large fish well. Check it out and that'll give you a good ideal of what to get.
Of course personaly I feed crawfish to the Oscars every now and then but they are conviced there more in the plants.
Does that mean the oscar I currently have I don't have to worry about uprooting them or does do oscars get more inclined to uproot when they grow and get older. The oscar is currently 4.5" and having no problem.
i used to have major problems with my jag uprooting my fakes but i just put them in places he never goes like corners and sides and he dosnt bother them
I have fake plant's in with my O, and I can NEVER keep them where I want them, he puts them where he want's them, which is ALWAYS in the filter intake, so I have to fix them almost every day, It's a pain, but he enjoys it!