plz follow posting rules and examples. Closed
Marketplace Rules
In order to streamline the buy and sell, please use the following format when creating threads in the marketplace. Those threads not following format will be deleted or closed. Buyers/Sellers must provide the following information within the title of the thread: prefix, item, location, and method of transport.
Prefix explanation : WTB (want to buy), FS (for sale), FT (for trade), FREE
Format : Prefix - Item - Location (City and State/Province) - Method of Transport (shipping or pick up)
Example : FS - Arowana - York, PA - Pick-up only
Example : FT - Polypterus endlicheri - York, PA - shipping or pick-up
Rules :
Multiple items are to be listed within a single thread when possible. All threads must contain price, location (city, state/province), valid means of communication (email or pm), and method of distribution (shipping or pick-up). It is both the buyers and sellers obligation to ensure that species are not on
the restricted species list. All local laws and restrictions are applicable and it’s the responsibility of the users of to uphold these laws. All threads are to be made in a buy/sell/free format, no auctions or gauging interest threads are permitted. The sale of drugs, paraphernalia, porn, etc will not be permitted. Hijacking or derailment of threads will not be tolerated and posts doing so will be deleted. No solicitation will be allowed.
Time Limit :
All buy/sell threads will automatic closed after 21 days.
Bumps / Take To Top :
Allowed to be done by the OP 24 hours after last post or bump.