Here is my 175 as it is today.
Its 72"Lx20"Dx30"T with dark wood stand and canopy. Filtration is a CPR cyclone 194 wetdry minus the protien skimmer with a Gen-X PCX-40 pump (1190 GPH), I got 2-36" 50/50 bulbs plus a 24" actinic bulb in for added glow. Heaters are 2-250w Marineland Stealths.
Decor: Tahitian Moon sand, 4 big chunks of driftwood, a few rocks from the pond and a big plastic plant!
Stock is 3 Blood Parrots, 2 Albino Tiger Oscars, 1 Long Fin Tiger Oscar, 1 Green Terror, 1 Senegal Bichir, a huge 4" Aus Rainbow that used to help cycle the tank and now i can't catch, 2 Albino Common Plecos and 1 Regular Common. I got a Clown Knife comming today.
I'm going to weed out a BP, an Albino O, and 2 of the plecos in the future to leave me with 9 fish.
Oh, yea, I decorated my tank for Halloween! Dont say anything, my wife already makes fun of me.