Top 21 most aggressive Cichlids

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I disagree with you. All the big doviis ive owned have been aggressive of course, but I have never seen a fish more aggressive than a gramode. U said it would rip a gramodes face off, but were not talking about fish fighting here. this is a list of the most aggressive cichlids not who would win in a fish fight. Also of course a 24in fish would beat a 10in thats just common sense
I would not put the Butti in that list this fish is a counter attacker not the agressor (had 6 of them). In my opinion the Grammodes pound for pound is the beast of them all my grammodes has killed every fish i have tried to put in there with him accept my female red devil and he has her scared as hell he is just to fast and aggressive for her.... my Dovii's are in seperate tanks When your talking large fish the Umbee and Dovii hands down.
DOVII is the king for me people aggressive,fish aggressive and will just take over a tank overnight.My black nastys were far more aggressive than any of the umbees i have owned. I have some grammodes now and so far they are cowards. Cubans were mean red motos were even more agro. Not american cichlids but i had some super agro buttas. One of the meanest fish ive ever had was a dovii/jaguar cichlid hybrid. And as much as i dont like them i had a couple red devils that were sick. I think each fish is different so the list will always vary.
Sigh ... These discussions have as much objectivity as barroom ones about The Greatest Guitarist of All Time*. We start with a list of unquestionably great guitarists (or feisty fish) and then all heck breaks loose. To answer either we'd need a definition of aggression (or greatness) and a reliable means of measuring it. We have neither. We have anecdotes about cichlids behaving badly. This is what makes these discussions fun, and futile.

*Jerry Garcia
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Googled this several months ago and saw this list and article on yahoo. Cool list though

I've kept africans including butti before and while most africans are more aggressive and territorial they aren't as able to inflict the damage the big fish of ca/sa are. Of course the butti is all in its own class.

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I have a 2ft oreo, who is not even close to the butti in aggression but I have pulled 12 " flowerhorns and devils out of the tank missing chunks which has to be him, I think most of the larger africans would put up quite a fight with a dovii etc.

I have about 7 dovii in the same tank all different size 8" being the biggest so nothing crazy yet BUT they have to be the most tame fish in the tank, same with the red devils even when breeding they leave most fish alone. Leads me to think tank size plays a huge role or I have one happy bunch of loving caring cichlids 99% of the time :|
^^^ same here. Ime dovii are just as aggressive at small sizes. And are the largest Central American cichlid. Blue Umbees are from South America, green umbees are from panama, which is in central but I don't think they get as large as blue umbees or dovii.
And I agree that it's all on an individual level with fish.

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Sorry but with the dovii's size, speed, and jaw strength they could rip off a grammode's face if they really wanted to (especially while breeding). They're like the pitbull of cichlids, pure muscle and teeth. Pound for pound I would say grammode, convicts, or midas as far as being territorial, but as for pure strength my dovii would win a fight any one of those fish started with him hands down. There's a reason the dovii is #1 on this and every other list of top most agressive cichlids ;)


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