• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Treating Hexamita aka Spironucleus

This treatment does not treat/kill worms, round worms, flat worms, tape worms, or any other type of worm. I believe that I already mentioned that earlier in this thread.
As I said in another post regarding HITH, I ordered NLS Hex today... After reading this thread in its entirety, you recommend Epsom Salt mixed with Distilled Water and I understand why you suggest the 2 of them together to soak the food in...

So as I'm reading, and obviously unable to rush my order of the food, I am thinking of starting the method you are suggesting... But couldn't one use GarlicGuard instead of Distilled Water, to mix with the Magnesium?

Also, I have liquid magnesium oil already, with no other "stuff" in it, I'm guessing that might work as well?
Never used garlic guard, so not even sure what it is comprised of, or if your fish will eat it. Up to you, but yes, stick to magnesium sulfate....
GarlicGuard is a product made by SeaChem (the makers of Prime Dechlorinater) and is used for enhancing the food for picky eaters and is said to have some benefits to it when dealing with a few issues in fish. Hubby is getting me some Epsom salt so I may try dissolving it in the GarlicGuard instead of Distilled Water.
I know what it is, I just wasn't sure about using it to presoak food for your particular fish. It might work, or they might hate the taste - I've personally never used it. Distilled water is very easy to source where I live, so it seemed the simplest way to go for me.
I have a question regarding the dosage. If it says 3% of the feed, shouldn't we calculate the amount of epsom salt based on the weight of the food instead of making a 3% solution to soak the pellets in? Like, if we prepare 100 grams of food, we should add 3 grams of epsom salt? Soaking the pellets in a 3% solution would give us a lower concentration than the one they used in the studies, wouldn't it?

Treatment with feed containing 3% Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate; Atoma Canada, Montreal, Quebec) (30 g Epsom salts per 1000 g of feed) was administered to 4 of the 17 tanks of fish for 2 consecutive days. The fish were fed at a rate of 2% body weight (BW) per day.
Hmmmmm I'm not sure? I don't believe that I referred to the same paper that you did, but they appear to use the same language, and dosage, as the papers that I linked to. I didn't read that as 3% of the feed, but a 3% solution, but it appears that either I was wrong, or the people in Quebec were. Do you have a link to that paper or study, I'd like to read it. I probably should have paid closer attention to my math teachers when I was in school. lol
Thanks, it’s been awhile since I posted some of the info in this thread. I guess my question would be how does one get 30 grams of magnesium sulphate into 1000 grams of feed, unless it is done when the food is formulated?

It’s a good question, I’m just not sure what the correct answer is. Soaking in the 3% solution as I described has worked for myself and many others, that much I do know.