Trimac or Midas for wet pet?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
90 for a grow out will work for either. A larger tank is always a better option for a fish that will get to over a foot. I have Midas, Trimac and Red Devil. A single fish can be kept in a 90 with frequent water changes and good filtration. But as mentioned above that is not a lot of room for activity.
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Big male sajica and some lovely ladies with some dithers ?
I believe a 90 would work, but your going to have to work also on WC. The OP asked which would be better for a wet pet i have kept both and IME both are very personable and glass bang and leave scars when you do water changes Trimacs tend to be a tiny bit smaller in length but they make up for it in girth.
So personality both to me are the same now it just comes down to what color you prefer
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I believe a 90 would work, but your going to have to work also on WC. The OP asked which would be better for a wet pet i have kept both and IME both are very personable and glass bang and leave scars when you do water changes Trimacs tend to be a tiny bit smaller in length but they make up for it in girth.
So personality both to me are the same now it just comes down to what color you prefer
Both are intriguing! On my other tanks I do large 80% water changes now every week. I have a parachromis freidrichstalli, cuban, chiapaheros grammodes, mesoheros festae, and a mixed South American tank with a chocolate cichlid, geophagus Sveni and uaru.
Love the trimac because you don't see them too much and are beautiful as they get bigger. The Midas is a masterpiece itself as well
I really enjoy the personality of the amphilophus. I'm sure you will be happy with any of them. My current favorite is a barred midas.
I still have some Creamsicle Midas fry between 1 and 3 inches if your near Pittsburgh Pa.
I have not had a Midas, my guy Casper was a Saggitae, and I had a Trimac for a bit. For me the Tri was more reclusive and hid more than the Saggitae. But, Saggitae are an open water wish found out in the center of lakes, not so much a shore dweller that hides.