True piraiba aka Brachyplatystoma filamentosum

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Really cool to see you are still documenting these fish. Looks awesome!
The piraiba pest Indian shovelnose has earned a one way ticket out of the 4500:

Aw men im so envious i really want to take care of one but the biggest indoor pond i could try to make is 12-13 feet L and 5-6 feet width..
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The tale of our two Peru piraiba continues. The skittish one had spent 1 year in a 240 gal in timeout. We are trying it again back in the 4500 gal and arriving close to where we left off - a very different set of tank mates but the tank mates bother it (first it was the assertive piraiba, then it was the TSNxRTC hybrid, now IDK who yet, maybe same two maybe not); the fish is skittish and perhaps this even tempts some tank mates to bite it every now and then, especially at nights; it feeds some but not to our satisfaction because of the skittishness.

Both fish came from Mark Chen of Discus Origins in 2017 as "Peru piraiba" and are currently around 5 years old and have been stuck at 2.5ft for a year at least, in drastic difference from our 7 yo, 5ft Suriname piraiba that kept and keeps growing.

I became aware that many peers in the hobby think that the "Peru piraiba" is not a filamentosum but a capapretum aka false piraiba. Yet capapretum young look obviously different from the piraiba young, let them be from anywhere. If anyone can shed some more light on this, it'd be greatly appreciated. Mis-ID, or another species, or indeed such drastic geographic difference in filamentosum? Here is one thread on the topic of this confusion: