TSNxRTC hybrids at Fish Story Aquarium and Rescue

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
The new TSN x RTC hybrid from Randy has been doing well and doing a strange thing too (see video). I've just noticed this morning that one of our adult marbled pim catfish Leiarius marmoratus tried clumsily to do the same thing to a niger catfish, kind of ride on the niger's side. So there must be something more behind this than a fluke. Maybe this is the closest the catfish can find in our tank to a driftwood?

In passing, there is more footage of the hybrid doing strange thing to Oxydoras niger in this video... Also the hybrid was bothering one piraiba, may still do...

We have kept half a dozen or more of these TSN x RTC hybrids in this 4500 gal tank and they all behave the same around this age and size, that is, as brazen, aggressive, pushy robbers of tank mates who haven't swallowed their food yet...

I don't think the big hybrid has much left... The swimming bladder looks like has been empty for many months.

How do you track fish? You seem to know individual names, age, source & dates. Do you use a spreadsheet or something more fancy?

I struggle to track, even when using PIT tags. Short term identification I use a hole punch on dorsal (males) and caudal (female) fins but these grow back.
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In all fairness, you probably have 1000x more fish than we do.

No, nothing fancy, it's just whatever little info gets stuck between my ears... Having to update each fish / species regularly also helps remember them. Sometimes I have to review my own threads to refresh my memory about a fish's history, date of acquire, growth rate, etc.
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