Turtle Source.com : safe or not safe?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
HPIZZLE;4275706; said:
marc is an amazing guy and all my CBB babies are from him.
well im happy to hear that. i had seen review saying that turtlesale, turtleshack, and turtle source all shipped sick turtles or worse. i knew about turtle source and turtle shack but i wasnt sure about turtle source. and i learned about turtle sale the hard way. acouple yrs ago i bought an adult male western painted turtle and it died a month later, which happened to be christmas day.:(:(:(
Turtle Source is a great place. I've gotten a number of turtles from Marc and have visited his place a number of times. I've never seen anything that would lead me to suspect he supplies anything but the best animals.

Dont forget the turts your into all require very large tanks and once adult they are better in a outdoor pond at least part of the year. Just to check;)
coura;4277987; said:
Dont forget the turts your into all require very large tanks and once adult they are better in a outdoor pond at least part of the year. Just to check;)
yeah. i have a 30 gallon and am getting a 10 gallon for two of them. i have 10 baby turtls now
I have purchase some turtles from Paul Vander Schouw
You can email him to see if he has any turtles for sale.

There are reviews of him on http://www.turtleforum.com/
forum under the classifieds under Dealer Listing: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

I have not bought turtles in a long while, because I have enough turtles to take care of. When I did purchase from Paul, he took the time to answer my questions and the turtles received were great.

Regarding Turtle.Source.com, he sounds great also. You may want to email him and ask questions about the turtles you want. Some questions would be if they are :1 captive bred and 2 if he bought them from another dealer, a breeder or did he bred and raised them himself. 3 the present living conditions turtles living in now and what they are eating.

Buying captive bred turtles directly from a breeder is better ideal because you will usually get a healthier more mentally stable turtle if the breeder has them in good living conditions. Wild caught ones are usually diseased, stressed due to capture & captivity and not good for the wild ecosystem.

Hope this helps.
HerpHunter77;4278134; said:
yeah. i have a 30 gallon and am getting a 10 gallon for two of them. i have 10 baby turtls now[/QUOTE

Ouch!!! :confused:

A 30 and 10 gallon tanks are already too small NOW for your 10 baby turtles.

Turtles are dirty little beasts and need clean tanks, proper water filtration, and depending on type of turtle, land, heat lamps, uv exposure, proper nutrition.

You should be cleaning tanks out every day with what you have now- not fun.

I am sorry to rain on you, please be responsible animal keeper.

There are many places you can get information on the web.
Here is one to start with:
janev;4278289; said:
HerpHunter77;4278134; said:
yeah. i have a 30 gallon and am getting a 10 gallon for two of them. i have 10 baby turtls now[/QUOTE

Ouch!!! :confused:

A 30 and 10 gallon tanks are already too small NOW for your 10 baby turtles.

Turtles are dirty little beasts and need clean tanks, proper water filtration, and depending on type of turtle, land, heat lamps, uv exposure, proper nutrition.

You should be cleaning tanks out every day with what you have now- not fun.

I am sorry to rain on you, please be responsible animal keeper.

There are many places you can get information on the web.
Here is one to start with:

i have a large filter, heating lamp and multiple basking docks. and i guess i could get another 40 gallon and then divide the turtles into the tanks. 5 in the 30 gallon and 7 in the 40 gallon.
What are you planning to do with these 12 baby turtles when they get older? You aren't going to be able to keep them all in a 30 and 40 gallon tank.

Chris Anderson;4278427; said:
What are you planning to do with these 12 baby turtles when they get older? You aren't going to be able to keep them all in a 30 and 40 gallon tank.

i have 3 outside turtle pens: 8x8' pen and a 50 square foot pen a 9x9' pen and i have plenty of room to build another one or more if absalouley nessecary