Two ~16" Xingu, four 10"-16" Meta, and one unknown ~1' peacock bass in 4500 gal

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
lol that's a lot of water
Now imagine that 85%-90% of it is RO water that I have to make in house and add 10%-15% of raw well water back to it to give it some hardness.

I make and spend ~8000 gal of RO water every day 365 days a year.
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Well, as of this morning, Nabaldashnik is no more. An unpleasant surprise.

As I said, I was given this pbass by Joe of Joefish Aquatics, Ft. Myers, FL last summer at ~3". Joe thought it could have been wild caught in FL but we can't be sure at all. A customer brought it in to Joe's.

In this thread, Kendragon ID'ed it as a hybrid / farmie.

It has grown very well and reached ~12" in Jan 2017 and his last measurement July 10, 2017 is 19". So, ~16" in ~12 months - is that normal? My orinos, azuls, and temensis seem to grow 2x-3x slower, some even slower.

It has taken to catfish farm pellets quickly and then learned to take thawed fish occasionally, especially when it went from 240 gal to 4500 gal. I did note how Nabaldashnik would challenge other pbass by puffing up its gills and intensifying its colors. Never fighting, just display.

I kind of noted it had stopped feeding or feeding well not long ago at all, about 1-2 weeks ago. Didn't think much of it. When I cut it up, I didn't find anything obvious.

Except maybe I was surprised to almost not find any blood. That was striking. What's up with that?? The internal organs seemed small for the fish size. The abdominal cavity had a LOT of free room.

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What was the tems growth rate?
As per video title it is ~20" and ~1 year old. Got it less than a year ago at 2"-3" and it grew at about 1"-2" per month. The peculiar thing about this temensis is its unwavering resolve to only feed on pellet and ignore thawed fish as if it is driftwood or pebbles or something.
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As per video title it is ~20" and ~1 year old. Got it less than a year ago at 2"-3" and it grew at about 1"-2" per month. The peculiar thing about this temensis is its unwavering resolve to only feed on pellet and ignore thawed fish as if it is driftwood or pebbles or something.

Thanks, what are ur nitrates?