UK MFK MEET (pics)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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right well matts sorting out a date that he will be down so i will let u all no when i do.

jo jo u guna make it to this one hun?
oh well ,,, the new guy is banned already ''buyonsellon'' ,, that lasted long then lol ??????????

i thought it was actually josh by the use of the smilies etc, ??
It was josh and he's still got accounts floating around on here which need to be disposed of. The aquarist classified adds should be made aware of him as well so they can put up a warning about him.
start with ,,



oscar and redtailcat



anymore ??

i gave josh the benifit of the doubt but dont think i will be associating with him anymore,, even on msn i am gonna hit the ignore button,,,

you dont make friends then lie to them ,
There's a whole load of reasons i hate the guy, as you did at first i gave him the benefit of the doubt with his fake importing crap but to keep going like he is really pisses me of.
I'm looking through recent accounts at the moment looking for ones with poor grammar and spelling.
lol, sent an email to an importer, I am 100% convinced it is him by the response, ill copy/paste my mail and his response...

.hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { font-size: 10pt; font-family:Verdana } hi mate,

i might be able but are you awear these fish both get over 6ft in leangth if you can show picture profe of a minium tank size of 7ft i will be happy 2 get them fo you ;)
Subject: Fish information
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 09:19:17 +0100

Hi there, noticed you have some Hemisorubim platyrhynchos on your stock list, could you please tell me what size they are, if they are feeding well and how much you are asking for them.

Also do you have any Brachyplatystome Juruense available, again if so size, if theyre eating and price.

Thanks in advance.

Obviously I'm the one asking about the two fish, his response was they grow over 6 foot lmao, and even better I need a 7 foot tank for 6 foot fish lol.

I will put a tener on it being oscar n redtail, I instantly thought it was him by this email, I may well be wrong though.
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