UK MFK MEET (pics)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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Tom500;3056876; said:
If we are doing a thing of what we are selling. I am selling
2x 12-14" silver sharks, Largest in the whole world (probably not a lie) £60 pair
1x 12-13" Temensis £80
1x 11" synodontis decorus (possibly, i love this fish) £tempt me lol

Oh and its a long shot but 4ft het piebald royal python and 4ftx18"x2ft vivarium £120

if your coming this way at some point i may have the decorus , i quite like them and as your kak at haggling i will just give you a fiver :)
jasoncambs;3057473; said:
if your coming this way at some point i may have the decorus , i quite like them and as your kak at haggling i will just give you a fiver :)

Damn there is no smilie for F... off:ROFL::ROFL::ROFL::ROFL: (jk)
Ok hate to harsh but i don't really care who is taking what if they don't get back to me, therefore:
11" barramundi (pending)
13" florida gar (pending)
2x cichla monoculus coming up to the 5" mark but hard too tell (both eating pellets)
5" thin bar datnoid (still eating live)
£120 takes the lot.
Bogwoodbruce;3057248; said:
How bigs your tank? would probably kill itself in a small tank.

well its been in a 2x4 for 5 months and its still very much alive :)

it dont matter now as its on the back burner , but i would have dropped it into a 5x3x3 , in my opinion that would better than its current home and good enough for a while ,,

i have a little project on the drawing board at the moment that involves bricking up my garage door and ordering some floor to ceiling size glass ;)
jasoncambs;3057520; said:
well its been in a 2x4 for 5 months and its still very much alive :)

it dont matter now as its on the back burner , but i would have dropped it into a 5x3x3 , in my opinion that would better than its current home and good enough for a while ,,

i have a little project on the drawing board at the moment that involves bricking up my garage door and ordering some floor to ceiling size glass ;)

erm...dribble dribble dribble ...oh yea theres a smiley for that :drool: lol
jasoncambs;3057520; said:
well its been in a 2x4 for 5 months and its still very much alive :)

it dont matter now as its on the back burner , but i would have dropped it into a 5x3x3 , in my opinion that would better than its current home and good enough for a while ,,

i have a little project on the drawing board at the moment that involves bricking up my garage door and ordering some floor to ceiling size glass ;)

I agree i think that a 5x3x3 would be fine for a while atleast untill it gets to 16-18", its only about 12-13" atm. i would love it but i want to see how much that RTG is first, and i think id rather put the 400 towards the best ray in the world................. LEOPOLDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Id go for it if i were you mate it would make a stunning addition to your collection!
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